
Anesidora 2015
Anesidora 2015

anesidora 2015 anesidora 2015

Needless to say, I was thrilled, and couldn't wait to get the whole script, so that we could get to work. He told me that I had the job! He was planning to call me soon, he said, possibly after the weekend. “Anyway, so a few days pass, and Saturday comes up, and I decided to give Brian a follow-up call to see how I did. I didn't give it another thought, as I've done these kinds of auditions many times. We finished, he thanked me for coming up, I thanked him for the opportunity, and went home. I went inside, did the reading the way I thought it should be done, with Brian standing behind the camera, reading another actor's dialogue. I went up to his office, and he gave me a page of the script to look at for a minute or two, as he set up the camera in another room. I got director Brian O'Hara's phone number, called him, and he made an appointment with me for that coming Wednesday. “Anyway, the whole weekend went by, and I didn't give the audition another thought until Monday, when I remembered what happened and gave Stanley a call. All I had in my mind was that I didn't want to be late for the concert, which was great, by the way! I told her that I was in a hurry, but thanks for the information.


She told me that there was an audition for a lead role in a movie that was right up my alley, and that I should call Stanley for the details. I ran into a girl I know who worked for casting agent Stanley Kaplan here in New York City as I was crossing the street. It was a Friday night in early July of 1997, and I just got out of where I was working at the time, and I was in a hurry, because I was going to a concert at this great club a few blocks away called ‘Tramps’ (which doesn't exist any more) to see British guitar great Robin Trower. How did you land the role of Iggy in Rock'n'Roll Frankenstein? Hy/Iggy answered an e-mail interview for me in January 2003. Hiram Jacob Segarra is known as ‘Hy’ or ‘Iggy’ to his friends, the latter because of his terrific performance as the stoned grave-robber/lab assistant of that name in Brian O’Hara’s hilarious Rock’n’Roll Frankenstein.

anesidora 2015

Who else’s could they use but Jim Morrison’s legendary trouser snake, apparently preserved in a jar in a bizarre collection of such things? But, in the grand tradition of useless assistants, Iggy drops the jar and grabs another one instead, belonging to someone called Ace. They get Jimi Hendrix’s hands, Buddy Holly’s feet, Elvis’ head - finally all that’s missing is, well, a schlong.


Iggy and accomplices are sent out to raid the cemeteries of the world for parts of deceased rock giants which Frankie can then patch together into what will surely be the ultimate rocker. Fortunately, he has his nephew Frankie (Spence) on hand, replete with well-equipped Mad Scientist Lab, necrophiliac tendencies and stoned, oddball assistant named (great touch!) Iggy (Segarra). But few have been as far from the original - or as entertaining - as Brian O’Hara’s Rock’n’Roll Frankenstein.Ĭigar-toting music mogul Bernie Stein (Feterman) falls out once again with his latest signing and decides that what he really needs is a pop star that he can control completely. There have been some damn strange takes on Mary Shelley’s tale over the years, variants that would make even her liberal eyes pop out of their sockets, which just goes to show how universal and adaptable the Frankenstein story is. Cast: Jayson Spence, Graig Guggenheim, Barry Feterman, Hiram J Segarra

Anesidora 2015