
Limbo hell
Limbo hell

We are in the physical body in the physical world controlled by 48 laws, and above us we have other worlds which are controlled by fewer laws. These 48 laws are directly related to the 48 chromosomes of the body - 46 physical chromosomes and 2 vital (etheric) chromosomes. On every planet, including the earth, we always find different Human Beings, and there are 48 laws controlling the physical bodies of the human beings. The Ray descends more into every Planet and we discover that every planet is controlled by 24 laws. When the Ray descends and reaches any particular Solar System, then we find that the laws are duplicated, and every solar system is controlled by 12 laws. While the Ray of Creation is descending into the different dimensions then we find Galaxies, called the Macrocosmos, controlled by 6 laws. The second order of worlds is the Infinite, the Firmament, governed by 3 laws. The first order of worlds is the Ain Soph Aur (Hebrew for "limitless light") - Eternal Cosmic Common Father - is governed by 1 law, which is the Truth. The Ray of Creation descends into the different worlds, and finally we find that the Ray enters into Limbo, the first sphere of Klipoth, Hell. The first sphere of Klipoth is Limbo which is governed by 96 laws, resulting in a very complicated mechanism. Different parts of the cosmos from the Ain Soph to Klipoth are governed by differing amounts of laws. The whole of the cosmos is governed by many laws. Limbo is the first sphere of Klipoth it is related to that which we know as Hell, or the Infernos, or the Infra-dimensions of nature.

Limbo hell